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  • katbeaton71

Summer is camping

I recently got back from an awesome long summer camping trip with my husband, three children and a bunch of other families. The days were filled with lots of beach time, slow breakfasts, long chats, coffees, reading, arvo naps, card games, walking and bike rides. We've been having these summer camping stints ever since our children were tiny and they still love coming. These days the kids can drive themselves into town for ice creams and make us G&Ts... As I sat on the beach one morning I was thinking about how special it is that the kids have grown up with these holidays and started writing this as an idea for a children's book.

Summer is camping

At Mystery Bay

Three families in total

The drive takes all day


My swag feels so cozy

Under the stars

Mia sets up beside me

We chatter and laugh


Day 2 it was raining ­

It poured and it poured

Games under the tarp

So we didn’t get bored


Dave took us snorkelling

We climbed down to the cove

Rain punctured the surface

Two sting rays came close


While we were sleeping

The skies quietly cleared

The morning was sparkling

And everyone cheered


Breakfast was pancakes

Three for us each

Then we slathered on sunscreen

And ran to the the beach


While we were swimming

We ducked under the waves

Mum carried Archie

And he tried to be brave


I tried out surfing

On Dad’s big foam board

I yelled out to Mia

As I glided to shore


When we go camping

Things aren’t always easy

There’s mossies and sunburn

Cold showers are freezing


The rain is annoying

The long drops can smell

But there’s music and campfires

And stories to tell


Summer is camping

It’s cards and beach cricket

The TV’s forgotten

I don’t even miss it


Back home I'm yearning

For the stars from my bed

But the sound of the ocean

Still rests in my head

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